503.545.8874 info@HistoricalConFLIX.com
We at Historical ConFLIX, have successfully delivered high quality content and distinguished ourselves under each of the following department titles:
The Production Designer is the person responsible for the overall physical/visual look of a production (Architects of the Screen) and is the head of the Art Department (although the title actually implies control over every visual aspect of a film, which includes
props, set dressing, and costumes). Together with the Director and the DP, they form the key three individuals that design and create what the audience finally views.
Art Director - works directly below the production designer, in collaboration with the set decorator and the set designers and also as liaison to other departments; especially construction, special FX, property, and locations departments.
The Set Designer's job is to create the artistic design of the physical
surroundings in which the action will take place.
But, we have a distinct advantage...
As historical & military experts, we have the favorable position of already having done the in depth research, augmented with a diverse working knowledge, as well as the years of experience to quickly and successfully bring the best look to your project. So, why waste considerable time and effort to become your own expert, when that expertise already exists? Or worse, just moving forward without it? Your production, story, and audience deserves better. So, let us help you save time, money, and resources in making your project look amazing. We are simply an email or phone call away.... Contact Us!
Phone: 503.545.8874 Email: Info@HistoricalConFLIX.com
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